Bass Shallow in September

Both largemouth and smallmouth will use shallow weed pockets in the fall.

It’s fall and time to get psyched for fall bass fishing. The one thing that tells me to move shallow in fall is a steep drop in water temperatures. When the water temp goes down 8-10 degrees it’s time to think about going to shallow weeds for bass. By going shallow I’m talking 4-8 feet and I look for areas with pockets of weeds. I avoid weedlines and flats of weeds. This might mean putting your trolling motor in high and looking for these areas.

I like to fish light gear with jig worms, it’s fun and effective. In the video you see below I am casting jig worms into pockets of weeds. These pockets can be very small…barely bigger than my boat and both largemouth bass and smallmouth bass use these areas after the water drops to the low 60’s. There are many lakes in central Minnesota that offer this opportunity as well as Western Wisconsin and both of the Dakotas. So if you are looking to catch many bass on light gear the days after a good cold front can be the best time to give it a try.

Smallmouth and largemouth in the same habitat.

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