Loons in June

Loons in June

Loons in June What makes June the top month for loons? Well I’d say a variety of reasons. Loons are most vocal in June, from the haunting wail to the short communicative hoots loons are the audio spectacle that raises the level of our outdoor experiences....
Surprise, Surprise, Eared Grebes in The Twin Cities

Surprise, Surprise, Eared Grebes in The Twin Cities

Surprise, Surprise, Eared Grebes in The Twin Cities Written by Pete Riola The eared grebe is an unusual sight in the Twin Cities metro but I have stumbled upon them twice in recent years. Hopefully again this spring. You really never know where migrating waterfowl...
Crazy Loon Behaviors

Crazy Loon Behaviors

That was crazy! I’ve witnessed some crazy loon behavior, pun intended. And in my experience the best time to experience the crazy is in May and June. My guess is it’s because Mid-May thru June is mating and nesting season. I wish I had photos of some of...
Spring Migration: Red Head Ducks

Spring Migration: Red Head Ducks

Redhead Drake Courtship Display The accompanying images were captured on Lake Harriett in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The redhead duck has a cool behavior during courtship in the spring. Drakes can be seen tossing their heads back and spitting water, yes spitting it, up...

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