Reel Review. The Pflueger President XT

Reel Review. The Pflueger President XT

Nice Reel, No Real Drawbacks I needed a couple of reels for some new rods. Rods as in multiple rods. This meant I needed to make a good decision on what reels to buy. I love the Stradics I have but I’m not in a place to buy three reels in that category. And the...
Summit of Mount Blue Sky/Mount Evans 14,130 Feet

Summit of Mount Blue Sky/Mount Evans 14,130 Feet

Travel: Mount Blue Sky aka Mount Evans Day Trip I love high altitude! And Mount Evans now known as Mount Blue Sky to date is my favorite high mountain destination. I’ve traveled to the summit a few times and each time I have found that drive to be more than...
Horned Grebes

Horned Grebes

Horned Grebes in the Twin Cities Horned Grebes Visit Spring and Fall Grebes are a diving bird and they prefer to eat fish and other aquatic beasts. Each spring and fall Horned Grebes visit local area lakes and larger ponds. Good places to view Horned Grebes in Spring...
Spring Bass on Soft Plastics with Video

Spring Bass on Soft Plastics with Video

I look forward to spring and in particular fishing largemouth bass in the spring. In years gone by you had to go out of state to fish bass in May. But not anymore. You can fish for bass starting on Minnesota opener but you must catch and release. And in Wisconsin the...

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