Birds, Ducks, Photography
Twin Cities American Wigeon Drake in Fall American Wigeons in the Minneapolis St Paul Metro During fall I know of many places to view and photograph the American Wigeon American Wigeons are common ducks during fall in the Twin Cites metro area. You just need to know...
Field Reports, SPRING, Wildlife Refuges
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge: June Written by If you’ve never been to Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge put it on your list. This refuge has many hikes and trail to go with a 7 mile wildlife Drive. So no matter your level of adventure from on foot, bike...
Bass Fishing, Featured, Fishing
Some Big Bass Are Shallow During a Minnesota Summer Shallow water in mid-summer? In lakes I do not know, I start shallow. On a mid-summer morning I put my boat in Green Lake by Zimmerman. I’ve had the hankering to fish this lake for a few years. At the boat...