Short Eared Owls: A New Quest Revealed

Short Eared Owls: A New Quest Revealed

Short Eared Owls a Minnesota Birders Quest The ever elusive short-eared owl had been spotted not far from my home. Being a bird aficionado since forever I was notified of a short eared owl 20 minutes from my home. It took me a few weeks to go and find this bird....
Piebald Deer

Piebald Deer

Rare:Piebald Whitetail Deer with Pink Nose I like to fancy myself as a nature afficianado with solid observational skills. Coming home from a recent trip to scout for white tail deer I opened my whitetail deer catalog in Lightroom and made a brief scan thru the 216...
A Late September Visit to Crex Meadows

A Late September Visit to Crex Meadows

Crex Meadows: a Birding Destination Loacted just north of Grantsburg Wisconsin Crex Meadows Wildlife Refuge is a 90 minute drive from the Twin Cities metro and during the fall it’s a mecca for sandhill cranes and trumpeter swans. Add in some bonus waterfowl,...

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