Adventure, Birds, Field Reports
The Stalker of Prairie Wetlands Common to Western Minnesota and North Dakota A driving adventure through the pothole wetlands of Western Minnesota and North Dakota will produce many species water birds. Ducks of many species, Redheads, Canvasbacks, Ruddy Ducks,...
Adventure, Birds, Featured
Yellowstone is a Birding Destination The Beauty of Birds in Yellowstone Park Geysers, Mountains, Beasts and Yes, Birds! A trip to Yellowstone Park is a wonderous adventure. The highlights of this park are too many to list but I’ll bet most folks don’t know...
Adventure, Canoeing, Featured
Make a Wish List, Then Pair it Down Lists; most men don’t like them, me included, but it’s a must for a wilderness canoe trip. A list can make packing and gear selection easier. I’ve spent over 250 days in Quetico and the Bdub. And in my younger days...
Adventure, Birds, Grebes, Photography
Do Western Grebes Run on Water? Yes They do! Run on water! Yes western grebes run on the water! Many grebes have elaborate courting rituals, weed dances, face to face smootches and chasing each other but no other grebe that I have witnessed runs on the water or what...