Adventure, Birds, Field Reports
The Stalker of Prairie Wetlands Common to Western Minnesota and North Dakota A driving adventure through the pothole wetlands of Western Minnesota and North Dakota will produce many species water birds. Ducks of many species, Redheads, Canvasbacks, Ruddy Ducks,...
Adventure, Birds, Featured
Yellowstone is a Birding Destination The Beauty of Birds in Yellowstone Park Geysers, Mountains, Beasts and Yes, Birds! A trip to Yellowstone Park is a wonderous adventure. The highlights of this park are too many to list but I’ll bet most folks don’t know...
Birds, Ducks, Field Reports, Photography
Twin Cities Wood Ducks in Spring Wood Ducks in the Minneapolis St Paul Metro Wood Ducks. Beautifully tough to photograph. Wood ducks, we see them everywhere. I, like most love to see wood ducks. Woodies are some of the most colorful ducks. When the light hits the...
Birds, Ducks, Photography
Twin Cities American Wigeon Drake in Fall American Wigeons in the Minneapolis St Paul Metro During fall I know of many places to view and photograph the American Wigeon American Wigeons are common ducks during fall in the Twin Cites metro area. You just need to know...
Birds, Blog, Ducks, Photography
Twin Cities Drake Canvasback in Fall Canvasback Ducks can be Found in the Minneapolis St Paul Metro During fall they are not as hard to find as you may think. To me Canvasbacks are ducks of Western Minnesota and west. But they can be foundĀ in the Twin Cities...
Birds, Loons, Photography
Loons in June What makes June the top month for loons? Well I’d say a variety of reasons. Loons are most vocal in June, from the haunting wail to the short communicative hoots loons are the audio spectacle that raises the level of our outdoor experiences....