
I love ducks

I have a deep appreciation for the beauty and wonder of ducks. These remarkable creatures captivate us with their graceful movements, vibrant plumage, and playful antics. 

Canvasback ducks are one of my favorites.

Redhead ducks are seen in the Twin Cities in spring and fall.

Pintail ducks. Elegant ducks can be found in the Twin Cities in the spring and fall near the Mississippi River flyway.

Ringbill ducks are diving duck that are common in Minnesota.

Underrated as photography subjects Gadwall are truly beautiful ducks.

A common bird in Minnesota the Blue Wing Teal is an underated photography target.

The American Wigeon is a common duck but is is very wary and tough to get close to.

Wood Ducks breeding range includes the Twin Cities metro area.

Bufflehead Ducks are diving ducks that frequent the Twin Cities during spring and fall.

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