Ice Fishing Panfish: A Largemouth Bass!
Bass mix in with crappies and sunfish while ice fishing
I caught a largemouth bass while ice fishing for crappies on 4 consecutive drops.
Ice Fishing: back to back to back Bass
The is largemouth bass #2. The next drop wjile ice fishing for crappies.
Another largemouth bass.
Icing a 15 Pound Lake Trout
Ice Fishing Lake Trout This trout makes an epic run as Pat goes toe-to-toe with an over-size lake trout.
Ice Fishing: Muskie Eats Tube Jig!
Ice Fishing Lake Trout: A Muskie! Ice fishing for lake trout on occasion brings a muskie. Lake trout and muskie inhabit many of the same areas in winter. It's not common but from time to time a muskie eats a bait meant for lake trout. This is an epic battle, Pat vs...
Vintage Lake Trout: Minutes After the Muskie
Ice Fishing Lake Trout Eric caught this 30 inch class lake trout minutes after Pat released a 45 inch muskie. Muskie and pike are known for long fights and they typically scatter other fish in the area. Fish are smart they know something is up when they see a large...
Preparing for a New Ice Fishing Season
2024/2025 Ice Fishing Season Preparation Ice Fishing Preparation for the Upcoming Season There are many types of ice anglers. Some are ice fishing warriors with all the latest and greatest gear while others get out on warm winter days to mainly get outside and try...
Under The Ice Fish Behavior
Understanding Fish Behavior I had a made a deal to rig an underwater camera to the RCA input on my 8mm camcorder and I recorded this. So you see fish on your flasher but they don't seem interested? That was the truth on this day back in the early 2000's. Fish were...
Flashback: Smallmouth Bass Thru The Ice with Video
Vintage Ice SmallmouthSo I heard you can fish smallmouth thru the ice. It started in 2003 Well the whole thing started with a colleague of mine saying he targeted smallies through the ice. I saw, I listened and I went smallie fishing thru the ice. It really was so...