Understanding Fish Behavior

I had a made a deal to rig an underwater camera to the RCA input on my 8mm camcorder and I recorded this.

So you see fish on your flasher but they don’t seem interested? That was the truth on this day back in the early 2000’s. Fish were tough to come by and because I could see fish on the flasher I wasn’t giving up easily. So after trying the numerous lures, baits, altering presentation speeds, using low diameter line etc etc it was time to use my contraption to get the scoop. I lowered the camera and I found visual truth that these fish didn’t give one rats behind about eating with the exception of one bluegill who did give a minnow a slight kiss before wandering off. Even the pike didn’t want theĀ  minnow! Sometimes the fishing doesn’t work out but an underwater camera can provide some action nonetheless.

The Reluctant Fish

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